Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Query to fetch the Yesterday's Data

Seems to be easy question. And many of you may be already knew 2-3 ways of doing it. Here is the query I use normally to get the all the data from the previous day(Yesterday).

SELECT Id, OrderId, CustomerId
FROM Orders
WHERE Date >= DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0)
AND Date < DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

Make it more readable and scalable using variable

SET @YesterDay = DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0)
SET @Today = DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

Id, OrderId, CustomerId
FROM Orders
WHERE  Date >= @YesterDay
AND Date < @Today

Logic : Basically above WHERE conditions is like - Greater than Equal to Yesterday and Less than Today.

This DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0) gives Yesterday's date with time as 00:00:00.

And this DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE()), 0)  gives today's date with time as 00:00:00.

You can do a quick check by executing -

SELECT DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0) AS YDay
,DateAdd(DD, DateDiff(DD, 0, GETDATE()), 0) as ToDay

Reason for doing this way instead of using some obvious ones – As you may heard this from many SQL experts, “Whenever possible never use CONVERT/CAST or any functions in WHERE clause on table's column.”

Question is Why?

Well whenever you use the any function on a column , SQL Server no longer uses the Index define on particular column. And use of a CAST or CONVERT functions slows down the query execution considerably.

You may say, I used the DateAdd and DateDiff function in the WHERE clause. Yes, I used them, but NOT on Date column from the table. I used them with the Getdate function which is more of a constant and NOT part of the table's column.

Query Optimization Tip :

Whenever possible never use CONVERT/CAST or any functions in WHERE clause on table's column.

In future I'll have some more posts on Date comparison in WHERE condition. Also some more simple tricks to optimized the everyday's queries.


Mangal Pardeshi

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

UNPIVOT Multiple Columns

Unlike PIVOT which de-normalizes the data, UNPIVOT is more helpful in getting your data back to a more normalized form.

UNPIVOT performs the opposite operation to PIVOT by rotating columns of a table-valued expression into column values.

For a single column UNPIVOT examples and for more on PIVOT and UNPIVOT you can read from Microsoft Books Online - Using PIVOT and UNPIVOT

In this article I’ll try to show you how to UNPIVOT multiple columns in a single query. There is simple trick to do that, if you are familiar with the UNPIVOT operator you will find it easy to understand.

First lets create some sample data :

-- Create sample table
(Id INT,
Product VARCHAR(500),
Supplier1 VARCHAR(500),
Supplier2 VARCHAR(500),
Supplier3 VARCHAR(500),
City1 VARCHAR(500),
City2 VARCHAR(500),
City3 VARCHAR(500)

-- Load Sample data
1, 'Car', 'Tata Motors', 'Bajaj', 'Mahindra', 'Jamshedpur','Pune','Mumbai'
2, 'Bike', 'Bajaj', 'Hero Honda', 'Suzuki', 'Pune', 'New Delhi', 'Chandigarh'
3, 'Cycle', 'Hercules', 'Hero', 'Atlas', 'Mumbai', 'Banglaore', 'Pune'

-- Test sample data
SELECT Id, Product, Supplier1, Supplier2, Supplier3, City1, City2, City3
FROM Suppliers

Here is how our sample table looks like :

Id Product Supplier1 Supplier2 Supplier3 City1 City2 City3
1 Car TataMotors Bajaj Mahindra Jamshedpur Pune Mumbai
2 Bike Bajaj Hero Honda Suzuki Pune New Delhi Chandigarh
3 Cycle Hercules Hero Atlas Mumbai Bangalore Pune

And as you can see here we have 2 columns which needs to be UNPIVOT, first is Supplier and second is there respective Cities.  If it was single column to be UNPIVOTed it could have been a straight forward task.  Thing is you can write a query with 2 UNPIVOT operators, but question is how to JOIN two UNPIVOT sub queries correctly so we will get the each supplier with its respective city next to it in second column?

As I said earlier there is simple trick to do that.  See the following query and its WHERE condition :

    ROW_NUMBER()OVER(Partition By Id Order By Suppliers) as SuppId,
SELECT Id, Product, Supplier1, Supplier2, Supplier3, City1, City2, City3
FROM Suppliers
) Main

SupplierName FOR Suppliers IN (Supplier1, Supplier2, Supplier3)
) Sup

CityName For Cities IN (City1, City2, City3)
) Ct

WHERE RIGHT(Suppliers,1) =  RIGHT(Cities,1)

And here is the Output of the query :
Id Product SuppId SupplierName CityName
1 Car 1 Tata Motors Jamshedpur
1 Car 2 Bajaj Pune
1 Car 3 Mahindra Mumbai
2 Bike 1 Bajaj Pune
2 Bike 2 Hero Honda New Delhi
2 Bike 3 Suzuki Chandigarh
3 Cycle 1 Hercules Mumbai
3 Cycle 2 Hero Bangalore
3 Cycle 3 Atlas Pune

So the trick was this where condition -

WHERE RIGHT(Suppliers,1) =  RIGHT(Cities,1)

There are other ways also to UNPIVOT the multiple columns, may be some other time I’ll post them too. 

Source of inspiration for this post is following thread on MSDN forums - 

At the end of it, OP also come up with his own solution he got from SQLTeam’s forums.

Mangal Pardeshi